Our company, one of the largest second-hand container suppliers in Turkey, has an organizational network that can meet the demands of our customers in the fastest way with its contracted warehouses in many parts of the world as well as in Turkey.
In addition to standard ISO cargo containers, we can also offer specially produced and equipped containers within our global network. The point we especially emphasize for these containers is that the loading conditions of the containers are smooth and produced and certified in accordance with international rules and standards.
In addition to the freight and port cost advantages provided to users by the use of SOC (Container Owned by Owner) in land and mainly sea transportation, these containers can also be used for storage and sheltering purposes at the destination. In addition, the person/institution that owns these containers can use these containers for another load or sell them to someone else. Our company also has the NKTU and ALKU Container codes approved by the international container registration organization BIC.